It has now been about 6 months since I had a hair transplant with the NeoGraft technology. 1340 grafts were transplanted from the back of my scalp to the crown and hairline at the sides in the front. I have never received so many comments from friends and family about this result. I am amazed how many people notice. The most common remark is how young I look and how am combing my hair differently. I tell them that I had a hair transplant and they are amazed. I am told that only 50% of my transplanted hair has started growing at 6 months and at one year 95% of them will have left the “dormant” stage. The thickest hair will be at about 1 1/2 year, but most think you have a full head of hair at one year because the eyes will not pick up the difference. Thank you NeoGraft. I am very pleased.