Thinning Hair Remedies: Achieving Thicker, Healthier Hair is Possible

There are many causes of thinning hair, but genetics and aging are the most common triggers of hair loss and thinning hair in both men and women. Other typical causes can include stress, diet, hormonal changes, illness, environmental factors, or even certain hair products or styling habits. Although it is less common, hair loss and […]
The Great FUE vs. FUT Debate (an Unbiased Assessment)

Hair transplants remain among the top hair restoration options for their ability to achieve the maximum possible results. The procedure entails transplanting healthy hair follicles from the donor area to the thinning or balding areas of the scalp. Once transplanted to the recipient area, they will grow into healthy hair producing follicles, enabling natural looking, […]
4 Critical Questions to Consider Before a Hair Transplant Procedure

For most people, hair transplant surgery is a major decision and can potentially involve a significant investment of both time and money. Hair transplants can provide excellent, natural looking results and potentially offer an ultimate solution for those suffering from hair loss. However, there are many considerations to weigh before undergoing a surgical hair restoration […]
Low-Light Laser Therapy (LLLT) for Hair Loss: The Hype vs. Reality

Low-Light Laser Therapy (LLLT) for Hair Loss: The Hype vs. Reality There’s been a lot of buzz recently about Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) for hair loss. There are plenty of claims that it can produce miraculous results. That it can stop hair loss in its tracks. Help you regrow hair. That it gives you thicker, […]
When your genes aren’t to blame: 5 hidden causes of hair loss (and what you can do about it)

Nearly all men and women will experience hair loss or thinning hair as they age. But not all hair loss is the same. Hereditary-pattern baldness, or androgenetic alopecia, is the most common type of hair loss. When hair loss is hereditary, it usually gradual and occurs in predictable patterns. In men, this frequently means a […]
3 best hair restoration treatment options to consider

When you suffer from hair loss, it can have a significant impact on your self-confidence and quality of life. For many people, the negative emotional and professional consequences are devastating. Thankfully, it’s possible to treat hair loss and regain that full, healthy head of hair. A variety of effective hair restoration treatment options are available […]